What would the best ideas and the best strategies be worth if you took action...

Paul Lemberg

Business Coaching

I’m going to say this to you in the plainest language possible:

Most business advisers seem to have it backwards. They expect you to pay a small fortune and trust — without a shred of proof — that somehow you’ll see a return on your money in an acceptable time period. In other words, they want you to take all the risk.

Frankly, I think that’s nuts. And that's why I offer the strongest money-back guarantee of anyone in the coaching business.

The way I see it, when selecting someone to advise and help you grow your business, you should know with 100% certainty that you will earn your money back in spades. And your return should start to come quickly — within a few months at most — and possibly within a few weeks...

Does that sound impossible?

Let's Get Started

It is only impossible if you want to keep doing exactly the same things in your business that you’re already doing…

It is only impossible if you’re convinced that you already know what to do and that you don’t really need any new ideas…

It is only impossible if you think what you’re been doing right now is sufficient to grow your business and all you actually need is a few simple tweaks here and there to make it explode…

The outrageously important point to know about the above is IT IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE if you and I choose to work together. And that’s because when you hire me to help you grow your business, I’ll not only give you superior growth and profit strategies and the tactics to support them, I’ll also make sure you execute those tactics.

Your execution is essential because it is your execution of those strategies and tactics that will transform your business and bring you those increases in sales and profits.

Does this mean I’m taking a big risk making such a bold guarantee?

No… Not at all…You see, I’ve been offering the same full performance-based money back guarantee with complete confidence since 1995. A lot has happened to the global economy since then including several recessions and one full-blown world-shaking financial collapse and even in these wild and rough economic times, my clients’ businesses have thrived.

Here's a short list of some of the things I’ve helped client's achieve:

A software company reports that they went from barely breaking even on $7 million in sales to netting a whopping 32% profit margin on $22 million in a year-and-a-half.

A custom newsletter publisher told me last week that sales are up 38% and profits are also up that much after working together for only 10 weeks.

A struggling Spanish-language e-commerce site sold for more than $18 million after we repositioned the business as a “marketplace” and content aggregator.

A consumer health-care client just recorded a 37% increase in profits (a nice mid-six figure jump) in the depths of a recession by using my sales-stacker and margin-magnifier strategies.

After systemizing their sales process, a vendor of reconditioned industrial hardware grew 200%, adding $12 million in new sales over last year’s numbers.

A local pharmacy chain from $7 million to $17 million in 12 months, and then added an additional $5 million the following year based on an acquisition and financing strategy I devised for them.

A training company grew from $500,000 to $1.8 million with over $200,000 in profits.

We devised a new profit center for a client that increased average per customer revenues from $44,000 to $120,000A technology company saved itself from bankruptcy, and then positioned it to sell for almost four times what the owners thought it was worth.

A SASS-based social media management company recorded a 40% profit increase within the first six-months of working together.

A nutritional supplements manufacturer and e-commerce business increased per-customer sales by 50% and average order more than 100% by stacking products into bundles and offering larger sizes.

A supplement retail distributor tripled gross revenue to almost $14 million by creating a systemized way to identify and market increasing numbers of products, and aggressively cross-selling.

How I can help you get the same or even better results...

If you’ve read any of my books, including the best-selling “Be Unreasonable” from McGraw Hill, or seen any of my articles and Youtube videos, you know I have a unique take on how to grow profits for entrepreneurial businesses. After all, how else could I help client after client produce such stellar increases in profits?

My small-business clients have earned hundreds of millions
in extra bankable cash, resulting from profit re-engineering their businesses, plus proceeds for those who sold their businesses based on the increased valuation created from our work together. That profit, worth more than $500,000,000 is equivalent to increasing total sales by at least $3 Billion.

By now I’m guessing you’ve read this far because you already know you could profit from having me as your own advisor.

Seriously, how else are you going to take your business from where you are right now to where you want to be. And you must realize my special perspective is just what you and your business need.

There are a few business conditions which cause business owners and entrepreneurs to seek me out, and you are probably experiencing one or more of them.

Unfortunately, your sales may be flat, or they may be growing, but way too slowly.

Or maybe revenues are okay, but your sales and marketing costs are too high and that’s keeping your profits too low.

Perhaps you thought the way you run your business is okay until now, but you’ve finally seen you’re never going to reach your wealth goals by using the same strategies.

The biggest problem with inadequate sales and profits is that you’re left without enough surplus cash in bank.

You may be missing opportunities because you don’t have sufficient cash or credit to take advantage of them. It’s particularly galling when your competitors do things you wish you could afford to do, leaving you unable to keep up.

On top of that, maybe you’d like to buy your competitor for dimes on the dollar — because that's all their worth — but there’s just no way you can pull it off with your current cash flow. And you don't yet understand the financial engineering that would allow. you to buy them without using any money. (Of course, I could teach you all this.)

And for many entrepreneurs like you, you could be working way too many hours and yet you’re not getting what you want in return.

That can leave you feeling burnt out, like you’ve lost the thrill you once had when you started this venture. And you’re not sleeping well because there are just too many things keeping you up, and the fun is really, truly, gone…

Paul Lemberg is one of the truly great strategic minds in business. He doesn’t sit in an ivory tower. Every day, for hours on end, he works on the front lines of capitalism, helping companies large, medium, and small build, revise, restructure, makeover, and integrate totally new strategies designed to drive and revive their growth. He takes companies who are fundamentally tactical and turns them into formidable and sophisticated strategic business and marketing forces to recon with in their industries.

Jay Abraham

Marketing Genius

So let me tell you something very important...

I can help you if you want my help...

And I can help you get what you want, right away!

Unlike many business coaches and consultants, I have lots of real-world experience to bring to bear on your situation:

I started and ultimately sold two international banking software companies, Henco Research and Vertex Business Systems. I’ve been the Chief Marketing Officer for a SAAS company in the Social Media Marketing space, and have also been CEO of a nutritional supplement e-commerce company. I also run a business selling digital information products.

Since starting my coaching practice in 1995, I’ve consulted with hundreds of clients helping them produce jaw-dropping business results over and over again. I’ve advised and worked hands-on with successful, sophisticated entrepreneurs running all sorts of businesses:...

In business-to-business (B2B) as well as business-to-consumer (B2C)...

In dozens of industries, including software, consulting, health care, nutritional supplements, medical practices, dentistry, SAAS, e-commerce, retail, online services, real estate investing, training, consulting, chiropractic, investment banking, light manufacturing, venture capital, legal, construction, publishing, banking, telecommunications, and insurance....

In all sorts of sizes from start-ups to emerging entrepreneurial businesses, to large enterprises, all ranging in size from around $250,000 to $50,000,000 in annual revenue. Of course, that's a pretty large range, and my coaching sweet spot ranges from $750k to $5,000,000....

Selling all different types of offers, including physical goods, services, software, and information, and all possible combinations.

Before I continue, it’s important to let you know that my advisory services are not for you if…

You’d rather spend your time reading and listening to podcasts and trying to implement an effective business growth strategy for yourself, without having to use any outside advisors.

You’re not willing to move quickly or are uninterested in new and innovative tactics.

You’d rather come up with your own ideas (if and when you do), and you believe you already know pretty much everything that’s going to work in your company.

You already have a lawyer, accountant or financial planner, or you are a member of an organization like Vistage or EO, and think you have all the solid business growth advice you need.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for top-notch, actionable business advice that’s custom-fitted to your exact business, as well as someone to act as an unbiased sounding board – your very own master-mind, we may be a very good fit. You’ll become part of an exclusive group of clients that get access to me and my business growth ideas.

If you have a solid business that’s simply not performing the way you’d like and you want more… I can help.

But you need to know that the way I do things is different from other consultants and business coaches in a few very important ways.

First, most business coaches use a standard solution they originally created for themselves. Now they’re using the same approach over and over, no matter what kind of business you have. Guess how well that really works?

I’ve worked hand-in-hand with hundreds of entrepreneurs and I understand how businesses really make money. I never use a generic solution because it can’t possibly get you what you want. The approach we use to grow your business will be tailored precisely so it’s going to work no matter what market or niche you are in.

Second, a lot of consultants and coaches expect you to supply answers to their questions so they can feed back those same answers as solutions to your problems. It’s almost as if they’re learning on the job.

Unlike many coaches, I’ve started and sold several of my own high-technology companies, a sales training company, a business coaching franchise, and I’m currently building an anti-aging nutritional supplement company. The point of telling you this is that I know what I’m doing and I have the track record to prove it.I’ll quickly develop a strategy for you and we’ll put it into action right away. Usually you’ll get results quickly, within two to four weeks. In the weird case that something doesn’t produce results immediately, we’ll implement an alternate approach and keep going.

Third, and most importantly, when we agree on what you’re going to do next, I will make sure it’s easy for you to take action. Once we decide we’re a fit for each other, I am totally committed to seeing you achieve your business and personal goals, and I will go all the way to make sure you get there.

Here’s exactly how I’m going to help you attain your business goals quickly.

Together we’re going to take a deep dive into your business and identify the key points of leverage.

We’ll look at your product and service mix, your pricing models, your lead generation systems, your selling systems, database marketing opportunities, your customer monetization strategies, joint venture and strategic alliance opportunities, your finances and available capital for expansion, merger and acquisition opportunities, new business spin-offs, vertical integration opportunities, and other leverage points we can use to scale and grow your business.

Then I'm going to apply my one+five step guaranteed growth model with which I've helped thousands of business owners ramp up revenues, profits and life satisfaction!

Here's Your Next Step...

If you want real results rather than just promises — and you’re willing to commit to working together for 12-months to achieve this, then we should talk.As you’ve already seen, you’ll get powerful tactics you can use right now to create a substantial flow of new sales.

Next we’ll dig deeper and identify every opportunity available to you for growing your business to the next level and develop a comprehensive, easy to implement game plan.

How much is all this going to cost?

My fees are very reasonable for the kinds of results you’ll be getting and are based on the size of your business and last year’s revenue. Typical monthly retainers start at $7.5k for a company with more than $1,000,000 in gross sales, plus 3% of the documented increase in year/year revenues I help you produce.

A moment ago I said my fees are reasonable, and that is because your results are guaranteed in this important way. When you

1) work with me for 12 months, and

2) diligently do the things you agree to do...

I guarantee you will be fully satisfied with the results.

If you aren’t, I’ll continue to work with you at no charge until you are satisfied, or at my option, I’ll refund your money.

This means you shoulder no risk whatsoever and you win in either case.

Now to be frank, there’s only a small chance we’ll end up working together. I might not be right for you, and you might not be right for me. However, if the chemistry is right, the sky is the limit. If not, we will part ways.If you do begin a full-service advisory engagement with me, my team and I will immediately start digging deep into your business and learn everything we can about your organization.

You (and your team) will spend a full day with us doing a deep dive Strategy Session and then we’ll customize my “Formula 5” Business Growth Methodology to your business’ needs and create a plan to deliver the return-on-investment I demand for every one of my clients.

If you think this sounds interesting and could earn you a whole ton of extra profit, contact me for a confidential discussion.This can be done in less than five minutes by clicking the link below. We'll personally review your confidential answers and get back to you within 48 hours.

From there, we'll schedule a complimentary, no obligation, Business Growth Consultation to see if it makes sense for us to work together.

Just click the button below to get started:

We'll schedule a free consultation, and then you can send me some basic information so I'm prepared to speak with you.